Business center Paris Louvre
The Paris Louvre business center is devoted to high level of services meeting rooms.

Paris Louvre Business center reception
- Focus groups,
- training sessions,
- Executive board meetings,
- business breakfasts
Enjoy all of our Paris Louvre business center high range and professional services

Pomero prestigious Focus Room
- Consumers meeting rooms,
- Focus Groups organisation,
- Training session organisation,
- Strategic comittee meeting rooms,
- Business breakfast presentations,...
Apply for your meeting room in Paris Louvre business center in the very heart of historical Paris !
Paris Louvre Business Center
43, rue de Richelieu
75 001 PARIS
Tel : (00.33) 1. 44 86 06 50
Paris Louvre Business Center
43, rue de Richelieu
75 001 PARIS
Tel : (00.33) 1. 44 86 06 50
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